The plastic waste management is major concern and every country including their citizens are taking great steps to overcome it, so do our country India is doing. In the new era of development entrepreneurs, engineers are looking forward to make a solutions which is effective in order to reduce the plastic wastes.
So is Yolo rooms looking for the concern took major steps to control and efficiently manage the plastic wastes, we have joined in hands with the waste management small scale industries.
According to research done by many scientists India has one of the best recycling habits in all over the world and also he considered his job not only to help the environment but also to strengthen its already existing recycling system.
A sentenced quoted by Vajipey-"If there is an Olympics for recycling, India will continue winning it for a long time".
One of the famous line quoted by the entrepreneur who left his profitable job in U.S and came in India too deal with situation.
What we do is collect the plastic wastes from our residents of our society and collectively give it to waste management institutions.
